#101|Pick the interval over which to plot.|Specify the left end-point (x-from) and| the right end-point (x-to).|#102|Pick a range for y (y-from, y-to).|You may also change the x-range.|#103|Specify the point at which the limit is | to be computed.|#104|Specify the point at which you want the| tangent to the curve.|#105|Pick the interval in which to find critical points.|Specify the left end-point (x-from) and| the right end-point (x-to).|#106|Pick the interval over which area is to be computed.|Specify the left end-point (x-from) and| the right end-point (x-to).|#107|Specify the range of the parameter (t-from, t-to)|#108|Pick the interval over which the Taylor approximation| around 0 is to be computed. |You specify r, and the interval will be [-r, r].|#109|Specify the three coefficients of the differential equation.|The equation is: a * y'' + b * y' + c * y = 0|Or select "Example" for a list of examples.|#110|Specify two intitial conditions:| The value of the function at 0| The value of the first derivative at 0|#111|Enter starting point, end point, step size.|You may omit step size if it is 1.|For a single value just enter starting point.|#112|Specify an intitial condition:| The value of the function at 0||#201|Enter a function. If you already have one, you may|edit it or simply select "Ok".|#202|Enter a function. If you already have one, you may|edit it or simply select "Ok".|Or select "Example" for a list of examples.|#203|Enter two functions. If you already have some, you may|edit them or simply select "Ok".|Or select "Example" for a list of examples.|#204|Enter a function or edit existing one.|Also enter a number.|Or select "Example" for a list of examples.|#301|Name under which session will be saved.|If you don't want to save it, select "Cancel".|#601|Your function has a parameter.|Enter a value, or change present value.|#602|Your function has parameters.|Enter a value for each,|or change one or more of the values.|#610|Select the number of intervals for|the approximation.|An integer from 1 to 100.|#670|Specify the point at which you want the| the search for the root to start.|#9999